You don’t send two dozen roses to just anybody. Usually bright red roses are sent in a large white box, tied with ribbon and a big bow on top. Sending two dozen roses is definitely a gesture of love for someone. A beautiful bouquet of roses is an expression of love in our lives. Not only do they have a beautiful appearance, but they also smell good too. Sending roses can convey a wide range of sentiments and feelings. Nothing is more stunning than sending two dozen roses from our florist Scottsdale AZ location. We can first examine the meaning of the number. Two dozen roses equals 24 roses. The number 24 can be in relation to the 24 hours in the day. If you’re sending 24 roses, then you’re sending one for every hour of the day. This means that you love and appreciate them every hour of the day. Or, you can think of it as “I love you 24 hours a day”. Sending a big bouquet of roses from our flower delivery Scottsdale location can also mean that they’re always in your thoughts, and that you never stop thinking about them. Some people even send flowers every day for the 30 or 31 days of the month. While that’s a bit extreme, it certainly does get your point across. The number “24” can also be in relation to “24 karat gold”. This is the purest form of gold. Perhaps your love is as pure as 24 karat gold. The number 24 is often written to symbolize creativity, happiness, or love in our loves. Naturally, you can also send 24 roses to make your point. These roses are to announce your devotion to your loved one. After all, you wouldn’t go to the expense if you didn’t truly love them. 24 roses declares that “I am yours. You would never send 24 roses to your boss, your uncle, or your neighbor. In these instances, you would send a different type of flower. If you’re trying to figure out if you should send 12 roses or 24, consider your feelings. Are the new in your life? Perhaps 12 is good for now. But if it’s someone that you’ve been courting for some time, it may also be time to send the 24 roses. 24 roses has double the impact of sending only 12. Two dozen roses definitely imparts a deeper meaning than one dozen. It’s an enduring way to communicate your affection and appreciation of your partner. Roses have been around for centuries. Giving two dozen roses has a certain appeal to it. Imagine the surprise when your loved one opens up the box. At first they think it’s a dozen red roses! But wait! It’s not 12, it’s 24! 24 roses will truly bedazzle your loved one. This message can leave quite the effect on them. If you need assistance in selecting your two dozen roses, our Scottsdale florist would be happy to assist you.